Sometimes we can get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of living, that we forget to enjoy the beauty that lies around us. Even in the midst of chaos and the stuggles that we all endure, there is something to be said about looking up and enjoying the beauty of this earth and finding joy in the journey of life. Though it can be a challenge when we are feeling stressed, we all need to take a moment and be thankful, because someone has it much worse than you. . So choose to have an attitude of gratitude and look for the simple beauty in life around you.
We love this time of year! Although in our part of the world, winter sets in and we have cold temperatures and usually get lots of snow, there is something magical and sacred about this time of year and the true reason for the season.
This is a time of gratitude, of providing service to others, of trying to show a little more kindness, a little more respect and lot more love toward others. It is a time to reflect upon the amazing blessings that we all receive. I am so thankful for my Savior, Jesus Christ and for his birth and his infinite Atonement for my sins. I am thankful for all that I have and I hope that those reading this will come to know that they are loved and to strive to better individuals. May the Spirit of the season touch you all in a most loving way! I love to bake in the kitchen! One of my favorite recipes are these chocolate sugar cookies with Chocolate icing on them. They are oh so full of chocolate decadence and they have the consistency of brownies. They are just delightful for your or as a gift for anyone. I hope you enjoy this recipe.
Chocolate Sugar Cookies 3 C Granulated White Sugar 1.5 C Unsalted Butter, softened 1/2 C Dark Corn Syrup 4 Eggs 1 Tablespoon + 1 teaspoon Instant Espresso Powder (optional but it does enhance the chocolate flavor) 1 1/3 C Black Cocoa Powder 1 teaspoon Salt 1/2 teaspoon baking Powder* ( I leave this out so that my cookies don't spread) 6-7 C Flour (depending upon how much moisture you have in your home0 2 Tablespoons Vanilla Bean Paste * (optional, but Vanilla bean paste always adds great flavor) Using a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, cream together the butter and sugar. Add the eggs, vanilla and corn syrup to the mixer and mix on low speed until it is fully blended. In a separate bowl, sift togther all of the dry ingredients. Add the dry ingredients to the wet mixture one cup at a time with your mixer on low until all of the ingredients are incorporated. This dough many not pull away from the sides when it is mixed. It will be a stickier dough. When it is fully mixed, separate it into 3 separate mounds. Roll each ball to about 3/8" thickness between 2 sheets of parchment paper. Wrap them into plastic, or leave the parchment between the layers and you can stack them in the fridge or freeze until you want to use them. You will want to chill these flats at least 1 hour before baking. Because this is a softer dough, chilling will help in cutting out the shapes and enable them to keep their shape as you transfer them onto a baking sheet. Be sure to use either parchment or a silicone Silpat mat on your baking sheet to keep your cookies from burning. Bake at 375 degrees for 14 minutes (depending upon your oven and the size of your cookies). These turn out to be a softer cookie and have a deep fudgy, brownie taste. Ice with chocolate froting or leave plain, your choice. I made some Challah bread for the first time about a month ago. It turned out to be one of my favorite white bread recipes! I enjoy making homemade bread where you know the ingredients that go into each loaf and the smell of freshly made bread is intoxicating! I share this recipe in the hopes that you will try it and enjoy it as I do.
One of the things that I suggest is to weight your ingredients to get a more uniform loaf. I have posted not only the weight but the imperial units as well. You can use whichever you prefer. Challah Bread Yields: 2 loaves Challah Bread 600 g (2.5 C) warm water - about 105-110 degrees F 20 g (2 T) Active dry yeast 170 g (1/2 C) honey 4 large eggs 120 g (1/2 C) Oilve Oil 1360-1500 g (11-12 C) flour 16 g (1 T) salt Cinnamon-sugar mixture added to dough for a touch of added flavor (*optional) 1 beaten egg for egg wash In a large bowl, combine the warm water, yeast and honey. Allow the mixture to sit for about 10 minutes to activate the yeast. Add the eggs and oil to the yeast mixture. Gradually add the flour, salt an dcinnamon sugar mixture while mixing. Knead the dough until it is smooth and elastic, about 10 mniutes. Place the dough in a greased bowl. Cover and let rise utnil doubled in size, about 1.5-2 hours. Punch down the dough, divide into 3 strands and shape in braide loafs. Place on a parchment lined baking sheet (or you can braid this and place it into a bread pan). Brush the loaf with the beaten egg, cover and let rise for another hour. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. Bake the bread for 30 minutes until golden brown in color. Allow it to cool and enjoy with fresh butter and honey. If you wish to purchase a colloidal silver maker, go to the web site: Sign up on that site for the newsletter and some excellent information on taking control of your own health. Click on the "Shop" icon at the top left hand side of the page and you will see several options. We personally use the gallon size device because we like to make more of it at a time. You can find all sorts of information on this site regarding not only colloidal silver, but many other topics of intererst along with testimonials, evidence, and just some downright plain good information to have available for you regarding healthy living. We wish you well on your journey to maintain your own best health.
Pictured below is a jar of some of the colloidal silver that we brew. You can see the clarity of it is very clear. That is due to the steam distilled water that we use with it. Reach out with any questions about this incredible product. Silver has some amazing health benefits which are constantly being discovered.
Colloidal silver is a natural antibiotic that consists of metallic silver particles that are suspended in water. It can be used for so many things! It is known to be have antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. When applied topically, is a wonderful wound healer. Pink eye and other eye issues such as allergies can be helped using colloidal silver. Ear infections can be helped. Other conditions that it can help with are Asthma, warts, hay fever, yeast infections, food poisoning, as well as many others. As a preventative, CS is unsurpassed. There are legitimate scientists who have published findings. There are widely available if you search for them. There is also a great deal of misinformation out there. The "blue" skin color that has been referenced is not from Colloidal silver, but Silver Nitrate which a totally different product. Colloidal silver is not hazardous to human health and there has never been any toxic or carcinogenic reactions to CS (except for the rare silver allergy). This has been confirmed by the US Government's CDC in 1995. We suggest that you do your own research to see if you can benefit from CS. But for our home, colloidal silver is a staple and we drink it daily and use it constantly for its known disinfectant and immune boosting properties. Sometimes we tend to get so wrapped up in living life, that we can tend to forget to enjoy the journey.
During the past couple of years I have had some major changes in my life: A - I retired from my career as a critical care registered nurse. B - I have found some new hobbies/interests that keep me occupied. C - I have gained new family members and sadly, lost some very special ones as well. D - We have all endured world wide panic with disease and financial calamities and wickedness that tends to prevail in the world and those have taken their toll on many souls. E - I have come to the realization of my own mortality and have come to accept that most of my life is over. F - I am trying to live my life to the fullest and learn, practice and educate others on good habits that only benefit them. And in all of the changes that have happened, I have become acutely aware that each of us is responsible for how we choose to live this life. I have found that I don't need to entertain drama or negativity which abound in today's society. I choose to look at the good, the beauty, the positive and try do do my best to treat others as I would like to be treated. I will be posting more on her about things that are important to me. So stay tuned! Look how adorable these mini cookies are! This is one of our 24 day Christmas advent calendars. These cookies are very detailed for this special order, but any of our cookies would be perfect for the Christmas season. Check out our Instagram and Facebook posts for more information.
This is the final status of the Vanilla Sugar. It turned out beautifully smooth and with a wonderful flavor of Vanilla. It is great for flavoring drinks or using in baking. Such wonderful creations that we make!
There is nothing quite so rewarding as making your own extracts and pastes from quality ingredients that you trust. This is the absolute best Vanilla Bean Paste that we have made so far! It is rich and strong with a wonderful flavor!
This was the leftover mash from the first Vanilla Bean Paste. I dried it and powdered it in Vitamix. Once I had a nice powder, I added it to my sifted sugar to make Vanilla Sugar. Although this looks like ants in the sugar, I can assure you it will taste much better! :)
I was blessed enough to be able to purchase a case of lemons. After juicing them and freezing the juice, I took all of the zest off so that I could make Lemon Extract. I made sure that I cleaned the lemons first before doing anything, as I didn't want to get any unwanted chemicals in my extract. I was able to get 2-64 oz jars full of beautiful Lemon Zest. Then I covered the zest with 80 proof Vodka and allowed it so absorb for a few months. After the bottles sat in a cool dark area, it was time to decant them. So I strained out the lemon zest. This smelled so incredible potent! It was heavenly! After I strained all of the liquid, I put it into bottles and labeled it to share with my family. This turned out perfectly!
Have you ever made your own Vanilla Bean Paste? It can be a bit intimidating if you don't know what you are doing, but if you get some excellent quality beans and a good recipe, you can make some of this delectable deliciousness yourself. ![]() To start with, when you have your beans and you have prepared them for the recipe, most recipes will tell you that you need to slice the bean and scrape out all of the caviar. That is extremely labor intensive! So instead of doing that, I cut off the distal end of the bean and scraped out the caviar with the back side of a sharp knife. As you can see, I get a good amount of the caviar. This took much less time than slicing it open and scraping the caviar out. ![]() The next thing to do is to add the caviar and the beans to a large pot. I also added the alcohol that I had them presoaking in for a week to the pot. Then you add the rest of your ingredients to the pot (Sugar, Water, Corn Syrup, Lime Juice for my recipe). Boil this for 5-15 minutes stirring all the while. When your pot is all ready, take the beans out and save them for other things. Take the liquid and strain it into your blender (I used my Vitamix). Turn it on until you can see the hole in the blender. Remove the middle lid and then start to add your Xanthan Gum. ![]() The Xanthan gum should be a very fine powder. And you need to add it by very lighly dusting it in the moving liquid a small bit at a time. If you add it too heavily and all at once, it will clump and you won't be able to mix it in. You can see I only added a teaspoon and I used the tiny white spoon to dust it in as the mixture was blending. After you have added the Xanthan gum and the rest of the alcohol, then pour the mixture into glass bottles to cool. Be sure to allow it to cool completely before you put the lid on. Then label it how you wish and use it.
With making Vanilla there is nothing that is wasted. I took the leftover beans and put them into one of my "Mother" jars of vanilla that I already have brewing. I also took some of the mash that I had from another recipe and dried it. Then I ground it up finely and put it in some sugar to make vanilla sugar. So now, from one pound of premium Vanilla beans, I got some wonderful Vanilla Extract, Some Delicious Vanilla Paste, and some decadent Vanilla Sugar. If you have the desire and the supplies, you too can make this for you and share it your family! For Father's Day, just had to make chocolate sugar cookies. This is a platter collection called Dad to the Bone. It was fun to make and even more fun to eat!
Another interest is developing into a fun hobby - making and decorating cookies. These are sugar cookies that were made for a baby blessing. Some of my daughters and I are having such a great time make home-baked goods for sale. Head on over to and take a look at the website which is currently under construction. There will be home baked breads, cakes, cookies, and other items as well. There's a great deal of talent in this family! We love sharing it with others to make them smile.
With all of the changes going on in the world today and our way of life as we know it is in serious jeopardy; it would be a good thing to think about how you want to take care of your family and loved ones. sells freeze driers for long term food storage. Over the past few months there has been a high increase in freeze dryer interest and sales. It is never too late to invest in one of these units to prepare for the tough times ahead. Check them out on their web site or ask us and we would be happy to let you know of our experiences with this company. Don't put off taking care of your family.
Today is the start of the new year. We certainly do have hope that this year will be a year to enjoy what truly matters in life. One of our joys has been to make our own natural products. This is our newly decanted Vanilla. It is made with Madagascar Grade B Vanilla beans and 80 proof Vodka. It is a double fold strength; which means it has twice the beans that you would normally add. It has been brewing since 2013, so it has a nice long history and it looks and smells wonderful!
We started 3 new mother jars of vanilla; two will be using Vodka and the third will be using Brandy. This is a delightful way to spend making wonderful treats. I really enjoy the last 2 months of the year. Whether this is because the weather cools down or because we tend to focus on what we have to be grateful for and the reason for the season; it doesn't matter. It is just a wonderful time of year!
I have tried to focus more on the positive things in life and to look for the good in others. I find that living life in such a way helps me to think less about my own issues and to joyfully embrace the goodness in life. The Covid pandemic as really made a huge difference in so much in life. People don't have the opportunity to socialize as much as they used to. Family events are suffering; weddings, parties, funerals and all sorts of events that we used to take for granted. I feel so badly for the children of the world and how this is affecting them. While there doesn't seem to be any end in the near future, still we can all try to be as optimistic as we can and look for the good in the world and in others. I like to start out each day with a hope that I can make someone's day brighter in some small way or helping someone else. Give the gift of yourself this season. Enjoy the beauty of nature and nurture your soul. Greet others with a smile. Even wearing your mask, your eyes can smile. Make the world a better place by being alive and reaching out to others in need. Express thanks for all that you have. There are always other who are much worse off than you are. Be thankful for who you are and what you are. We purchased a freeze dryer from Harvest Right in Salt Lake City, Utah. Currently, they are the only company to product at home freeze dryers. They have a program that makes it quite affordable. We got ours in April of 2016. Since that time, it has given us very few problems. The only problem that we had was with the mother board which got fried due to a poor design flaw. We took it back (because it was still under warranty) and they fixed it. They also fixed it so that we wouldn't have this problem in the future. We have been very happy with this unit. I say we, but this is truly my appliance. I run it, fix it and I do all of the maintenance on it. And I don't mind. At least this way I know how it works and how it has been taken care of.
I am the poster child for taking good care of it so that it will last. I provide the proper maintenance and do the recommended oil changes and it has run like a champ. I put in a load of Sausage gravy (for biscuits and gravy) and some skittles. Yes, you can mix foods. While you do have to be careful with some of them (such as garlic and onions or bananas), most of them don't mix flavors. Freeze dried skittles are a hot commodity in this area. Lots of people have freeze dryers and they freeze dry all sorts of things and sell at farmer's markets, or many other places. We are no exception. When we go to the store and see something, the thought is, "I wonder how that would be freeze dried?" There are some fun things that turn out wonderfully - Taffy - blows up to the size of an Easter egg and is light and fluffy. Milk duds - they blow up and and turn out crispy and caramelly flavored. Big Hunk Candy Bars - very good and they come out like taffy. Gummy Bears (Black Forest brand does the best) -They triple in size and the flavor intensifies. Jolly Ranchers - I haven't tried them, but I have seen pictures where they blow up and are very tasty. Fat Boy Ice Cream Sandwiches - oh yeah, just like Astronaut Ice cream - a delight to be sure. Caramels - way yummy! Skittles - any variety (but especially the yogurt dips) - these are crazy good! And this is just a small smattering of what can be done. Fruits are delicious! Vegetables such as cucumbers and zucchini or summer squash can be seasoned and cut into slices for veggie chips. They taste awesome! You can freeze dry fruits and veggies and then powder them to add to drinks or to yogurt. Then you can freeze dry the yogurt. That is a delight to be sure! Today, I decided to look at options to help with my facial/eye area. I wanted to make a balm that would be good to use around my eyes, to help with the "tired" look of my skin. I combined some oils that have incredible skin loving properties - Shea butter, Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, Candelilla Wax, Rosehip Seed Oil, Calendula infused Olive Oil, Argan Oil and Vitamin E. Then I decided to place it in some containers that would show off the beauty of the balm inside. What do you think?
Some of the properties of these oils are anti-inflammatory, softening, anti-microbial, antioxidant, anti-aging, anti-bacterial, and supporting skin health. While I made this for use with my eyes, it can be used for other skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema or minor skin conditions. Of course - healing comes from the inside out; so a good diet is paramount to any good skin regime. But sometimes there is a desire to make something to help nature along the way. We don't usually post about worldly events, but sometimes the need presents itself. The media in the usual fashion has concentrated on the negativity by broadcasting about recent sad events. We do not support racism in any form. We believe that everyone has a right to feel safe and to have equal liberties no matter their color, sex, race or any other differentiation. We believe that everyone is an individual and we abhor the violence and wrongful treatment of any living thing or person. There are good and bad people in every race and in every color. We strive to look for the good while acknowledging that the opposite form exists everywhere as well. We are greatly saddened by these recent events but we strive to do our part in accepting others for what they are. We are all human and none of us is perfect. We challenge others to have the attitude of forgiving and loving others and treating others as you would yourself wish to be treated.
The World Health Organization formulated a recipe blended in the correct proportions to create an effective homemade hand sanitizer if you can believe what you hear (we suggest finding out for yourself if this is true).
But if you want the recipe, here it is: 1 C (240 ml) Isopropyl Alcohol (Minimum 70% but preferably 99%) 1/2 Tablespoon (7 ml )Vegetable Glycerin 3 T (15 ml) Hydrogen Peroxide 4-5 drops essential such as Tea Tree, Lavender, etc. (optional) Mix all well in a blender for 30 seconds. Remove and place in a squeeze bottle. Place about 1/4 teaspoon onto hands and rub hands together vigorously until hands are dry. This recipe does not have any thickeners added to it, so it will not be thick like the ones you can purchase from stores. **NOTE** This is for use when you do not have access to water. It should never take the place of good hand washing practices when you have that available. It never ceases to amaze me at how people can go crazy with all the media blitz over the current "disease" that is panicking people world wide. It seems that common sense has gone out the window every time there is some bug out there. There are some generally healthy habits that everyone should have as a part of their daily habits. One of those is washing your hands. That is the best way to keep bugs from spreading. Hoarding things like toilet paper, alcohol, and such will not help, that just drives the cost up for others. For this month, we decided to post our favorite recipe for Fire Cider. If you don't know what Fire Cider is, then you probably don't know about how common herbs and foods can help to boost your immune system. Fire cider is a hot, spicy sweet concoction that is good for colds and helping to keep your immune system at its best. You can take it every day or if you feel a cold coming in. This is a picture of our fire cider that we are brewing. Here is our favorite recipe:
Fire Cider 1 part Fresh Horseradish Root Grated 1 part Fresh Garlic Chopped up fine 1/2 part Fresh Ginger Grated 1 part Onion Fresh Onion Chopped 1/4 t Cayenne Pepper (40,00 hu) or fresh cayenne pepper Optional: Turmeric, Echinacea, Cinnamon or other such herbs Place all of the ingredients in a half-gallon canning jar and cover with enough raw unpasteurized apple cider vinegar to cover the herbs by at least 3-4 inches. Cover tightly with a tight fitting lid. (If you use a metal lid, make sure to put a layer of plastic wrap between the lid and the bottle so the lid won't rust). Place the jar in a warm dark area and shake every day for at least 4 weeks to allow the herbs to macerate in the vinegar. After at least 4 weeks, strain the herbs and keep the liquid. Add desired amount of honey (just to add a bit of sweetness). Be certain to heat the honey first so that it will combine better. Bottle in amber glass bottles and label appropriately. It will keep in a cool place for a few months, but if you don't have a cool place, keep it refrigerated so that you can use it as needed. Taking 15-30 ml daily is good as a tonic. If you feel a cold coming on, take 1 tablespoon every 2-4 hours to help keep a cold at bay. This was our attempt for the lines collaborator challenge. The mica lines don't show up very well, but they are there. Love the colors and they turned out great.
We are so thrilled. We won the best use of color in the February 2020 Soap Challenge Club. This was a collaborator's challenge. We had to teach someone to make soap for this month's challenge. My friend Lisa made this. Congratulations Lisa!
December 2023